How To Become A Wedding Planner - The Podcast For New Planners
How To Become A Wedding Planner - The Podcast For New Planners
Top 5 Tips For Day Of Wedding Coordination
In This Episode:
0:44 - #1 Online Planning Program To Stay Organized
2:17 - #2 Collect Music Selections In Advance
2:46 - #3 Layout Details
3:14 - #4 Voice Memo Recording For Names
3:50 - #5 Coordinate With The Photographer
GRAB MY WEDDING COORDINATION GUIDE đ https://chanceycharmweddings.com/day-of-coordination-guide/
GRAB MY FREE WEDDING PLANNER LAUNCH GUIDE đ https://chanceycharmweddings.com/wedding-planner-vip/
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Disclaimer: This video does not contain legal advice, and the counsel of a legal professional is highly recommended before putting content into action. By watching this video, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service found via the Chancey Charm website. Chancey Charm LLC offers no representations, warranties or guarantees verbally or in writing regarding your wedding planning, wedding weekend/day, earnings, business profit, marketing performance, audience growth or results of any kind. Chancey Charm LLC does not guarantee that you will get any results or earn any money using any of the ideas, tools, strategies or recommendations, and nothing in our Program(s) is a promise or guarantee to you of future earnings.
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So, you want to learn how to become a wedding planner?
Breathe a sigh of relief. Youâre in the right place. A proven process + supportive community for anyone wondering how to become a wedding planner who gets paid, published + personally fulfilled.
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Disclaimer: Occasionally I do share an affiliate link in my content, via social media posts, the blog, my e-courses, emails, digital downloads, youtube videos, and the site. This means that if you click a link and purchase a product, I receive a little bit in return. This allows me to keep creating quality, free content. But, please know that I only share things I absolutely believe in! I also occasionally share a product I received for free in exchange for a review. Again, the review I share is absolutely my own, and I only share products I believe in.
Disclaimer: This video does not contain legal advice, and the counsel of a legal professional is highly recommended before putting content into action....
Hi, friend. Do you have your first day of coordination client? Are you feeling nervous or are you just struggling with day of coordination with the clients you have? Well, I've got you covered. My name is Sarah Chancey and I'm the founder and creative director behind Chancey Charm, a national wedding planning and design firm. And I love helping wedding planners like you build their business and serve their clients with. That's why today I'm really excited to share my top five tips for day of wedding coordination. These are the tips that I wish I'd had when I started serving clients, and I hope that they make your journey as a wedding planner a little bit more enjoyable. So tip number one, let's dive in. My first tip is to have an online planning program. We actually use Aisle Planner. It's amazing, and we give our clients access to it as soon as they book, even if they're not full planning a design, they're just, we call it month of um, or day of, we go ahead and give them access. And the reason for that is that we really want them to. Our checklist, our to-do list, so that when we really start working with them about a month before the wedding, at their final walkthrough, they feel confident about what they've done, and we're on this same page and the handoff is a little bit smoother. We, as I said, have day of coordination, is actually called Month of Coordination at Chancey Charm, and that's because we're really passionate about serving our clients with excellence. You know, weekend of guests don't know if you're full planning or day of, you're just the wedding planner, so you're in charge and you're responsible. So we don't feel comfortable just showing up day of we wanna start working with our clients a month out at the final walkthrough so that by the time the wedding day comes, we're really, really familiar with their wedding and we feel confident that everything's been tied up and it's gonna be done with excellence. So again, we go ahead and give them access to our online planning program. As soon as they book, and that's tip number one. Having an online planning program with your checklist and giving your clients access to it as soon as they. Number two, we're actually gonna back up a little bit from the final walkthrough. And two months out, we're gonna go ahead and ask our clients to start working on their music selections. This is something that's a missed, and b, super emotional for people, and it takes them a long time to make these selections for all those key dances and moments. So you're gonna wanna go ahead and remind them two months out that, Hey, at the final walkthrough we're gonna be talking about your music selections. It's really important. So speaking of the final walkthrough, at the final walkthrough, you're gonna wanna do two things. Tip number three, you're gonna wanna make sure you know where everyone in the wedding party is sitting or standing, so that when you get to the rehearsal, you're in charge. You know what you're doing, you're leading with excellence. You're just calling out names and telling people where to sit and stand. You're not having to refer to the brighter groom or trying to pull them aside right before to get that information from them. You're. Tip number four, you're gonna want to make a voice memo recording of how to pronounce everyone's names in the wedding party so that again, weekend of the wedding, you're not having to ask the bride and groom for that information when the DJ or band directors saying, Hey, do you know how to pronounce these names? You don't want to pronounce people's names wrong, obviously, and you want it to be done with excellence, but you also don't wanna have to bug the bride and groom. the day of their wedding to get that information. So just going ahead and asking for it. The final walkthrough makes everything a lot less stressful. And tip number five is probably my favorite. You're gonna wanna make sure that on the wedding day, you're letting the photographer know when key moments are coming up that you're actually telling them before you tell the bride, Hey, the cake cutting's about to happen, so that they're completely prepared to capture all of those. Special moments because we don't wanna miss any of those in the wedding album. So really important tip and your photographer will thank you. If you're interested in these tips and even more tips that I have for a smooth, successful coordination process, check out my day of coordination guide in the Wedding planner resource shop on my site. And don't forget to subscribe to this channel for even. Wedding planner trainings.